Have you ever been so impacted by someone’s words that they stick with you for days and even months? You know, those conversations that keep playing over in your head and you can clearly hear the person speaking when confronted with a situation.
A few months ago, I was talking with my business coach, Isabelle Mercier, about the various opportunities that were being presented to me. Some were exciting, others were nice to do and others weren’t overly interesting.
Before I could babble on, Isabelle looked me in the eye and said “if you don’t say no to what you don’t want, you won’t have room to say yes to what you do want.”
It’s amazing how that short sentence has not only transformed my consulting business, but also how I lead my life.
In the months since that conversation, I have discovered many times how saying no can open doors for my business. Here are 5 benefits of saying no.
#1 Share your best you
When you’re passionate and inspired, it reflects in your work. And better yet, work doesn’t feel like work. Don’t you love it when the ideas are flowing and you share your genius with others?
My gifts come to life when I’m speaking or conducting corporate training. I love watching people have those aha moments as I share practical advice and personal stories. The time flies by and I fully lean into the experience.
As you look at the various tasks you do, where do you shine? Focus on what brings out the best in you and look for more ways to shine.
#2 Charge your batteries
Wanting more of that great feeling, I have structured my business to ensure I prioritize speaking and corporate training opportunities. The more chances I have to help others, the more energy I have for my other consulting work.
It’s amazing how energized I am after giving a two-hour workshop. And the added bonus? I often pick up new ideas or fresh perspectives from participants that I can then incorporate into my own work. A win-win.
#3 Growth you love
We’re all familiar with the law of attraction – what you think about you create. So, here’s the thing. If you spend a lot of time and energy dwelling on what you don’t want, you are just going to attract more of the same.
By shifting your thinking, and saying no to what you don’t want, you’re leaving more space to attract what you do want.
For me, it involved redesigning my digital product website to include more training videos, as well as having a speaking calendar on my consulting website. By having giving my speaking prime real estate on my websites, it has helped grow the work I love.
#4 New adventures
Now here’s the best part of why saying no can open new doors. You never know what those doors look like or the adventures that await you.
When I truly embraced the practice of saying no, magic happened. I was asked to conduct a half day training session in New York City!!! Not only did I connect with some incredible people, but I also was able to enjoy a mini-vacation in a city that was on my bucket list (weeks before travel shut down due to COVID).
My ability to say no to the projects that don’t excite me also resulted in a very busy year of conference speaking and corporate training gigs. And each engagement has resulted in new bookings, thanks to the power of word of mouth.
Once I let go of the fear of turning down paying jobs for the unknown, I was rewarded with work that was much more meaningful and inspiring.
I’m so grateful for my business coach’s wisdom when she said “if you don’t say no to what you don’t want, you won’t have room to say yes to what you do want.”
My hope is you will also reflect on how you can implement this life lesson to change not only how you work, but live your life.
What do you need to say no to in order to have the energy, time and space to say yes to something that brings out the best in you and adds a little more joy to your life?