Talk to any elite athlete and they will tell you the many ways their coach has helped them hone their skills and get to the next level in their sport. Coaches are so integral to their journey, that they spend hours a day getting advice and guidance. 

Since there’s a clear appreciation of the importance of coaches in the sports world, I often wonder why don’t more professionals have a business or life coach? Working as a coach, and having been coached throughout my career, I know firsthand that coaching can boost your career.

Every single leap I’ve taken professionally and personally has been done with a coach pushing me out of my comfort zone, challenging me to dig deeper and cheering me on to be the best me. 

1. Looking inward

Too often we get caught up in the routine of life. We get up, prepare for the day, go to work, come home, have supper and go to bed. In between, we’re busy connecting with our kids, aging parents, partners, and friends. In the rush of the day, too often there is little time to hit pause, self-reflect and look within. 

This is my favourite part of being a coach and getting coached. Creating space to look individual needs. At times, it’s been reflecting on my career path – where do I want to be in 1, 3 and 5 years, and what do I need to do to get there? 

Other times it’s exploring what brings me joy and sparks my passion. A coach not only forces me to think but be honest with my feelings. 

2. No status quo 

You don’t get a coach so you can get up every day and rinse and repeat. A coach shines a light on areas where you’ve either not explored or maybe avoided. 

Whether you work with a business or life coach, the goal is to make a change. And having someone help you on this journey is the best way to avoid getting stuck in a rut.

3. Digging deeper 

There are no quick or easy answers when it comes to coaching. Going back to the elite athlete, the key to the athlete’s success is finding their inner strength to finish the race or jump even further. The coach can’t do this for them – they need to go within to push themselves further. 

The world of coaching is all about asking the tough questions, leaving space for reflection and helping people uncover their own greatness. We all have our own unique gifts. Sadly, some people never take the time to tap into them, keeping them hidden from the world. 

One of the gamechanger aha moments I had in a coaching session was discovering I’m an empath. While it was clear to my coach, after years of being told I’m too sensitive, what I think is happening is all in my head and I shouldn’t take things so personally, I thought there was something wrong with me instead of understanding I was an empath. 

Only by digger deeper and exploring how to embrace all that comes with being an empath, was I truly able to let my light shine instead of trying to dim it. That one aha moment has changed all aspects of the work I do, in a positive and rewarding way.  

4. Not your friend 

Here’s the thing with coaches. While they’re there to help you be your best, they aren’t there to be your friend. Unlike your friends, they won’t walk softly around issues, worry about hurting your feelings or avoid the tough conversations. Rather, they’ll lean into the messiness to ensure you don’t get lost in the weeds. 

Full disclosure, some of my coaches have become my friends. And I have also become friends with people I’ve coached. But I’ve also had coaches that I’ve had no further contact with after the coaching was done. 

Why? Because the relationship was never about friendship. My coach was in my life for a specific reason, either to help me work through an issue or get to the next level in my career. 

5. There for a season 

Finally, it’s important to recognize no one coach can meet all your needs. Afterall, we’re complex beings with many different aspects to our lives. 

Think of the triathlon athlete who swims, bikes and runs. You wouldn’t expect one person to coach them in all aspects. Rather, an elite athlete would have 3 different coaches who help them be their best in each discipline. 

This is why over the years I’ve worked with a life coach to get clear on my life’s purpose and how to show up authentically. I’ve also worked with career coaches when I’ve felt trapped in a job and not sure on where I wanted to go next. 

Having seen the different gifts each coach has brought, and how it’s moved me forward in my journey, I’ve come to realize that while the length of the season for each coach is different, each season ends. 

If you’ve worked with a coach before, what do you value and have you continued the work? If you’ve never worked with a coach, why not? What areas of your life would you like to explore further or make a change? 

Now is the best time to invest in you!!

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